October 2024
October 6, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Summer Vacation Has Been Cancelled


It was only a matter of time before the Socialists in Europe started rumbling about why they shouldn’t travel this year.

Germany has been leading the charge for continued self-imprisonment by reminding everyone of the dangers from the CoronaFraud.

In Spain there are now strict time slots when people – based on age – can leave home, unless they’re going to work or to do grocery shopping.

And if they leave home, they must wear a mask everywhere or else they’ll be fined.

It gets worse.

The Spanish govt has now unveiled a new climate law they are planning on passing soon which includes:

  • A total ban on all hydrocarbon mining and projects.
  • A minimum of 70% of all electricity must come from renewables by 2030 (and 100% by 2050).
  • Nuclear not allowed either.
  • Cars must be zero-emission (so only electric cars will be allowed) by 2040.
  • Everyone must consume vastly less energy/electricity (at least 35% less) by 2030.
  • Starting in 2023 all cities with over 50,000 inhabitants, will be required to have “low emission zones” i.e. zones free of cars.
  • People are to use public transport or bicycles.


Spain is also telling everyone to avoid traveling this summer.

So, in a sense you could say that Europe is cancelling summer vacation for the whole continent.

Countries like Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal can kiss good-bye any thoughts of restoring their economy based on NO TOURISM.

It’s a shame because they’re so dependent on tourists and now even that’s being stolen from them.

Ironically (or NOT) Sweden – who didn’t participate in the lockdown/self-imprisonment dictates – will see a massive influx on tourism this year.

You go, Swedes.

The point is, Europeans love to “go on holiday” and by taking that away the governments risk severe blowback and revolt from the masses.

Rightfully so.

In addition, Europe’s banking system is collapsing from years of negative interest rates.

This is what will continue to send money out of the continent and into dollars in the good old USA.

Learn how it affects our markets and how you can prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).

Denmarks health minister

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