January 13, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

People Purposely Pushing Pandemic Porn


“And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.”

~Colossians 2:4~


The word “beguile” means “to deceive…cheat…divert” (American Heritage Dictionary).

And it’s the perfect description of the tactics used by the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes enticing you to believe their false narratives.

To illustrate this point simply look around you.

People are still scared spitless to be close to other people.

The mask wearing, #StayAtHome, self-imprisoned sheeple have been beguiled by enticing words to the point where the truth becomes perverted.

Far too many people are clueless as to what’s coming as a result of the economic damage done by a handful of megalomaniacs with a sinister agenda.

Ironically (or NOT) perversion of the truth has captured more people than an outright denial of truth.


People are addicted to doom.

We used to refer to them as “doom porn addicts.”

Unfortunately, that’s morphed into today’s Pandemic Porn.

Seriously, people can’t get enough of it and the perverted media whores are more than happy to shove it in your face 24/7.

Think about it for a moment.

What is the topic of most of your conversations with friends, family or even acquaintances?

It ain’t the weather.  But it most likely has something to do with the CoronaFraud and/or how it’s affected you.

The point here is simple.

The people purposely pushing pandemic porn are worse than drug dealers.

Their motive is all about control of your thoughts and keeping in a constant state of agitation.

Speaking of which, when you see the plexiglass shields at the checkout lines – and markings on the floor demanding you comply with “social distancing,” – are you inclined to not trust anyone near you?

This is all designed to divide people against each other.

It’s also a great way to condition you to not forming any groups.


Forming groups is a threat in the minds of tyrants.

So, what’s next on the agenda?

You can expect another serious down side coming in the markets…specifically BEFORE the election.

It’s all about destroying Trump.

However, it’s going to be an opportunity of a lifetime for those with ears to hear.

Despite all the pandemic porn, there is hope for all of us if you’re not beguiled with man’s enticing words.

Grab and hold on tightly to the hope we give you in our monthly newsletter:


You’ll thank us later.

And share this with a like-minded friend…they’ll thank YOU later.






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