After finishing his prison sentence for sexting a 15-year-old high school student, Anthony Weiner (disgraced former New York Congressman and ex-husband of top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin) is a free man.
This should be unsettling to most Democrats.
Some (many) blamed Weiner for throwing the election to Trump.
If you recall, the FBI discovered Classified emails from Hillary Clinton on Weiner’s laptop during the investigation into his perversion with underage girls.
Keep in mind, folks: Weiner’s computer was the only one examined by the FBI. Not Clinton’s, not Podesta’s, not the DNC.
The field agents in NY who found the Clinton emails were the only ones outside HQ to have been involved.
Weiner’s computer sat at HQs for weeks before it was even acknowledged.
Those emails probably enabled Weiner to cut a deal to avoid a life sentence.
The question remains: What was on those emails?
Surprisingly, Weiner didn’t become despondent and commit suicide (or Arkancide) during his jailtime.
You can bet he’ll be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life.
Maybe he’ll be the next one to join the current circus clowns by announcing he’s running for president.
His platform can be “Prison Reform.”
The whole investigation was a sham from the get-go because after opening the investigation the FBI immediately shut it down telling everyone “…nothing to see here…move along.”
But we know better.
All I can say is this is one more piece of a bizarre political puzzle being put together right in front of your eyes.
Get ready.
Congress critters will purposely wreak havoc on the markets before it’s all over.
2019, The Political Year from Hell is the gateway to a freakish 2020 election year.
Read how to profit (instead of losing) from it (HERE).
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