On Monday this week, Pfizer’s FDA Approval made headlines.
However, it’s not official yet.
The Boyz just want you to believe it’s official.
Ironically (or NOT) their stock barely moved.
You would think that an announcement of this magnitude would cause PFE’s stock to skyrocket.
But the markets’ reaction tells a different story.
And the markets are ALWAYS right.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Bill Gates has been funding PFE in order to have HIS vaccines approved.
Or maybe it’s because an investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the primary funders of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. (The FDA of England)
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it’s because Gates is also a MAJOR shareholder in Pfizer / BioNTech mRNA.
Why Pfizer’s FDA Approval?
Ironically (or NOT) the FDA has NEVER approved a completely new type of medicine in less than one year.
This begs many serious questions about corruption.
The average time it takes to get approval from the FDA is 12 years!
Meanwhile, the bleat goes on as the sheeple cheer the news in hope that more experimental drug approvals will cure the world.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anyone – including the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes – who cheers the criminal acts of the FDA and Bill Gates, is guilty of failing humanity.
Strong words?
Try “circling back” to me after the FDA approves the 4th, 5th, 17th 29th etc. Booster Shot.
As we’ve said before “There will never be an end to Covid.” (read: Wednesday’s email HERE)
Politicians have used this for political change.
And that means they will NEVER admit this was a scam.
Meanwhile, Pfizer’s profits skyrocket and yet its market price is slightly over what it was worth 21 years ago.
Translation: If you bought PFE over two decades ago, you’re just now showing a profit.
So, if by now you still don’t believe that Wall Street and DC have been in bed together for over 100 years, then you’re missing out on critical information.
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