The other day, as I was picking up a prescription for my Mother-in-law, the Pharmacists asked me, Do you want to get your flu shot?
Politely, I said No Thanks.
To which she replied, Why not?
She didnt like my reply, The last time I had one it made me sick.
When was that? she persisted.
Over 50 years ago and I wont subject myself to another. But thank you for asking.
She looked at me like I was crazy and ended the conversation.
But that got me thinking.
Every year the Big Pharma companies threaten us with death over the newest and most dangerous strain of flu to ever strike the planet.
Do you remember the life-threatening BIRD FLU? (circa 1997)
Back then, scientists said it would wipe out over one third of the worlds population in one year.
Do the math thats over 2 Billion people.
Not surprisingly, the number of people who died from bird flu that year was in the hundreds.
My point is that Big Pharma knows how the fear of death = HUGE PROFITS for them.
Read the following excerpt from our October newsletter:
Did You Know (as part of the 2005 Bankruptcy Act) that Big Pharma has legal immunity from law suits related to damage from vaccinations?
Did You Know that more than 50 doctors were fired over the last 18 months for warning of dangers in vaccines? (most of whom recanted to get their jobs back)
Did You Know that 112 holistic doctors have been murdered for their investigation of vaccine contents? (discovery of immunity suppressants, contaminants, etc.)
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