Happy Thanksgiving
“If you do not read the newspaper you are uninformed. If you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.”
~Mark Twain~
If Mark Twain were alive today, his quote would say “internet” instead of newspaper.
After all, newspapers are today’s dinosaurs on the verge of extinction.
Most specialists on Wall Street know that, “…by the time you read it in the papers, it’s old news.”
Why is that?
Because the Big Money trading action took place before the “news” got to the public.
Starving for Knowledge
However, today with the internet, information is instantaneous and often goes viral long before it becomes mainstream.
Ironically (or NOT) Twain’s quote about being “misinformed” is even more true regarding the information available today. In other words, there’s more garbage out there than ever before.
The proof of that is in today’s subject line we are “…Starving for Knowledge.”
Let me explain.
All information is some form of knowledge, good or bad.
However, information is useless unless you understand how it applies to your life.
And when you understand information/knowledge and put it to practice in your own life, you’ll find Wisdom.
So, why do most investors make the same mistakes over and over again?
It’s simple. They’re starving for knowledge and confused over so much mis-information bombarding them every day.
At Financial$Matter, our combined 109+ years of experience on Wall Street teaches you how to separate the “information wheat from the chaff”.
If you read our FREE report “Do You Make These Mistakes When Investing?” you’ll know what we’re talking about.
If you didn’t read it, go HERE now!
And share it with a friend…They’ll thank YOU later.
And while you’re at it, be sure to take advantage of our Black Friday Sale on our “…In Plain English” newsletter.
For a limited time only, you’ll save up to 50%.
So, act Now!
It’s Not Just About Finance.
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