February 11, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

David Killed Goliath…Over TAXES

For some reason I’ve been getting lots of flak lately over using Scripture in my posts.  Maybe it’s because people are freaked out at the world and their faith has been weakened.

Ironically (or NOT) in this environment you should be seeking the Wisdom of God.

So, if you’re offended by me linking the Bible with the traditional April 15 Tax Day then you should stop reading this post.

We’re told that religion and politics are two of the most controversial topics you SHOULDN’T talk about.


They’ve both stirred people’s emotions for thousands of years.

So, for that reason I’m going to talk about both.

Before I prove my point (about David) with actual scriptures, think about how you normally feel on April 15th (or this year’s July 15th deadline).

Do you jump for joy when your accountant says you owe an additional $XXXXX in taxes?

Of course not.

And do you get all warm and fuzzy when you realize your hard-earned dollars are wasted by crooked politicians (who stuff their pockets first) to bail out their Wall Street partners-in-crime?

See my point?

Now, about that David and Goliath scene.  Look at 1 Samuel 17 in verse 26: (David was making sure he understood the terms of the reward for killing Goliath when he asked, to make sure he understood the terms), “What will a man get for killing this Philistine?

Back up to verse 25 where it says: “…the king has offered a HUGE reward to anyone who kills him.  He will give that man one of his daughters for a wife, and the man’s entire family will be exempted from paying TAXES!”

Dave quickly did the math and thought “Bags of Money?  A hot babe?  And NO TAXES?  Hmmm!”

Then he turned on his heel and said with indignance to the crowd: “Who is this pagan Philistine anyway, that he is allowed to defy the armies of the living God?”

The rest, as they say, is history.

So, you see, there’s historical precedent for hating taxes.  But you don’t have to kill Goliath to avoid them.  You just have to know what the smart money does and follow their lead.

It’s easier than you think.  Just go (HERE).

You’ll thank us later.

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