Yesterday we said how Yevgeny Prigozhin’s failed coup on Moscow got him exiled to Belarus (READ: When a Coup is Not a Coup HERE).
But what’s to keep him from invading Ukraine…from Belarus?
Do the math…
- The attempted coup on Putin was because Prigozhin (and most of Russia’s military) believes Putin has been too soft in dealing with Ukraine.
- Putin has stated from the beginning that he has NO interest invading or taking back Ukraine or anywhere else in Europe…but the Western warmongers (Neocons) would have you believe otherwise.
- Donbass (90% ethnic Russian) is all that Putin wants to liberate.
- As a result, the Russian warmongers (Neocons) have decided to take matters in their own hands.
- They want to Nuke Ukraine (READ: Pray Putin is Not Overthrown March 30, 2022 HERE)
- So, Prigozhin (and his mercenaries) could easily march in and level Kiev from Belarus.
- Putin could then say, “Hey! It wasn’t me. Prigozhin is a rogue and an exiled traitor to Russia. I have no control over what he does.”
And the West would have no qualms about retaliation with NATO (North Atlantic Terror Organization) leading the way.
Question: What has the high-heeled dancing Zelensky done about this?
So, regardless of how the Presstitutes want you to believe this Coup happened suddenly, it simply wasn’t spontaneous.
Plans to Invade Ukraine
Prigozhin was building up forces near the border with Russia for a couple of months.
And now he’s in a position to do major damage to both Ukraine and Russia.
Meanwhile, O’Biden is probably not the only one in the West who has soiled himself lately.
Ironically (or NOT) the US will claim they’re not involved nor do we have any troops in Ukraine.
But would you bet on that?
So, do you see how quickly things have escalated?
And the chances are it will get worse before it gets better.
Sadly, the West has been the aggressor far too long.
And has continued to poke the bear to the point where it will be hard to tell the difference between a “false flag” and an act of aggression.
So, you should expect the markets to respond accordingly with increased volatility.
In the meantime, learn how to hedge against WW3 in our July edition of “…In Plain English” HERE.
Share this with a friend…especially if they think our money has been well spent in Ukraine.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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