Many years ago, during a family argument discussion with my liberal sister over politics, she said: “After working in finance for many years, why are you so Anti-Wall Street?”
To little or no avail, I tried explaining that I was anti-corruption…Not Anti-Wall Street. And emphasized that Wall Street was one of the most corrupt industries on the planet.
Her response: “So, that makes you a hypocrite then, doesn’t it?”
As mentioned above, my efforts to convince my sister of the difference was of little or no avail.
Maybe you’ve had similar “family” discussions over politics, money, corruption with similar results.
If so, then you’ll understand why some people just don’t get it.
Let me explain.
If you’re truly “Anti-Wall Street” then the chances of you investing in stocks is slim to none.
However, if you’re Anti-Corruption then you’ll lean more towards caution when dealing with ANY industry.
Most industries have been easily corrupted by money, political favor, and/or power.
Not So Anti-Wall Street
And since Wall Street is all about money, it becomes an easy target for the self-righteous.
Quite often they’re also the ones who “Believe the Science” when it comes to the medical industry. And they mock you for questioning the integrity of doctors and scientists.
Ironically (or NOT) they somehow don’t believe that the Science also says that there are only TWO GENDERS. And that an unborn baby is NOT just a clump of cells.
And they never admit that the medical/Big Pharma industries sold out to Covid in order to pillage Billions of Government bail out money. (Read about it HERE)
But I digress.
The point is that has always been anti-corruption.
Why else would we write about it every day?
But the real take-away from our content is to equip you to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times. And we do it by showing you how to avoid the mine-fields and corruption of Wall Street.
And – unlike most financial publications – we explain it all in a language that’s both simple and easy to understand.
That’s why we call our monthly subscription newsletter “…In Plain English.”
We don’t use fancy Ivy League jargon like “Cathartic Asset Redeployment.”
But you will get good old-fashioned ideas on how to beat the boyz in the “Club” at their own game.
See for yourself (HERE).
And share this with a friend…They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
If Freddie Mercury Were Alive Today, He Would Be All Over This Singing… “We will, We Will…”
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