When you look at some of the characters in powerful positions (in politics and business) it makes you wonder “How did they get there?”
Unfortunately, the answer is obvious. They were either appointed or elected to that position.
If elected, the credit (or blame) falls on “we the people” who put them there.
But (and it’s a Big But), have you ever wondered why those in power are often the people who have little experience in the real world?
They can’t make it in the real world (Cough! Bernie Sanders, Cough! Cough! John McCain) so they gravitate toward government and power.
The good news is “we the people can vote them out as well.” And that means acting on our beliefs.
You may think that your vote doesn’t matter and say, “I’m not going to get involved in elections.” But you’d be wrong to think that.
You might also think that this email is about politics…and you’d be partially right.
However, as an investor, you should be concerned about how policies shaped by politicians often have a dangerous effect on your economic survival.
I’m referring to taxes…specifically STEALTH TAXES.
They silently steal your wealth while giving you the impression they’re doing something righteous “for all good citizens.”
The most common stealth tax is the sales tax. Sales tax is a consumption tax imposed by the government on the sale of goods and services.
Stealth taxes are often built into the prices of products so that consumers do not see how much tax they are paying.
It’s just another way of “stuffing the coffers” of those in power who abuse our government to make up for their inability to produce in the real world.
Be sure to see our upcoming Special Report on Surviving Taxes. (HERE)
And be sure to Vote in your primaries and in November.
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