February 11, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

We’re Being Censored…AGAIN

Our most loyal email subscriber (my wife) has probably seen 1,000 emails from Financial$Matter.

She’s not just an email subscriber…she’s an excellent screener.  She reviews them and points out areas that could be improved upon.

Afterall, women see things different than men.  And they’re more likely to see strengths instead of flaws in men (except the vagina hat-wearing crowd).

Over the years that she’s been reading our commentary, only twice has she not seen our emails every morning.

She pointed out to me that “How to Stop Perversion of Children” and “Dodging Transgender Bullets” were both automatically sent to her junk/spam/trash file.


I wonder who was offended by them?

More importantly, why are they picking on my wife?

This whole censorship/freedom of speech scene is starting to get downright nasty.

Unfortunately, it ain’t gettin’ better anytime soon.

This in no way bothers us and it certainly doesn’t mean we’ll back down to appease some whining social justice warriors.

If fact we’re more likely to ramp things up from here on out.

We send emails every day, 365 days a year.

So, we’d like to point out that if you don’t get a daily email from us, be sure to check your spam or trash file.

If it happens to you, please let us know about it.

We take censorship very seriously.

At the same time, if you’ve missed something and/or want to read what we’ve written on ANY topic, go to the search bar on our site.  (It’s the tab with the magnifying glass near the top of any page)

Or you can click (HERE).

Type in any word or phrase (like; Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Gold, Trump, etc.) and you’ll automatically have access to our library of stories on that topic.

Go ahead…give it a try.

You’ll read something you’ve probably never read before.


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