Whether you pin it on Banksters or the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) war is always about the money.
And the racketeers/profiteers of the Ukraine war are finally admitting that their alleged “noble cause of saving democracy in Ukraine” is all about the money.
Cue up: Super Neocon/Warmonger/Creepy Senator Lindsey Graham’s interview on Face the Nation, where he admitted:
that the “resources” under Crimea are worth $10 to $12 trillion, and this is again to stop Russia from gaining that natural gas.
It doesn’t get more obvious than that.
And it doesn’t matter that Crimea (like Ukraine itself) has always been part of Russia.
Anyone with any sense of history knows that there was NEVER a Ukraine.
Stay with me here…
It was Khrushchev who redrew the borders, as Putin stated during the Soviet Union period.
Not only did Khrushchev rise through the ranks to head Russia after being in charge of rebuilding Kiev after World War II, but his successor, Brezhnev, was born in the Donbas, which the West wants to now claim is Ukraine to provoke war.
Kiev was the birthplace of the Rus (Russians), whose city was destroyed by the Mongol invasion of 1240AD.
They were dispersed, and eventually, Moscow began to rise as a city.
As a result, the Ukrainians are no different from the Iraqi Kurds and Iraqi Turkmen, who are minorities in Iraq, where the majority are Arabs.
Always About the Money
So, in addition to the Banksters wanting the Trillions of gas reserves in Crimea, the Ukrainian war is for the territory that was NEVER occupied by Ukrainians.
Translation: It is a territorial grab promoted by the West to create war with Russia.
Ukraine (along with NATO AND Angela Merkel of Germany) has admitted they lied about honoring the MINSK Agreement they signed in 2014.
The agreement was to allow the people in Donbas (who are 90% ethnic Russian) the right to vote and speak their native Russian language.
Think of it this way, it would be as if Mexico seized Texas and then outlawed English as a language.
And from the beginning that is what Putin has been fighting for.
But the Presstitutes want you to believe that he is going to take over Europe after he takes over Ukraine.
And now that creepy Neocon/Warmongers like Lindsey Graham have shown their cards, we have proof that it’s ALWAYS about the money.
Major General Smedley Butler (USMC) said it best waaaaayyyy back in 1935 in his book War Is a Racket.
And if you haven’t prepared for WW3 by now, you need to read our June edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they still think we’re fighting a noble cause in Ukraine. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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