Within weeks after getting American made F-16 jets from the Biden-Harris Administration, Ukraine Shoots down its own F-16.
And, Oh, the irony.
True to form, the little pimp (Zelensky) immediately blamed his incompetent military chiefs and fired the head of the Ukrainian Air Force for shooting down the F-16 in a “Friendly Fire” situation. *
(* Note: still waiting for someone to accurately explain the term “Friendly Fire”)
Basically, it had to be Ukraine’s own fault/stupidity.
Because if Russia did it, they would be making a big deal about it.
In addition to firing the Head of the Air Force, the little pimp also fired his major military commander for criticizing him.
Ironically (or NOT) this is a character pattern that Zelensky displays. Because he is always trying to project himself as a great military leader.
And by being a puppet to the West (collecting Billions and begging for more) he has created his own dictatorship by prohibiting elections as long as the war continues.
Yet, he claims he is fighting for democracy and freedom?
His dirty little secret is Zelensky cheers the destruction of Ukraine.
Because he is pitching to spend trillions to rebuild Ukraine, telling everyone this will be the greatest European Investment of the century.
Be sure to READ: Ukraine Infrastructure Fund = Run Run Run February 20, 2023 (HERE)
Shooting Down F-16 = Incompetence
So, now that the cat is out of the incompetence bag how will Zelensky keep the billions flowing if the West realizes Ukraine is not competent to handle the weapons we provide?
Enquiring minds want to know.
In Case You Missed it… two years ago Z was criticized for failing to warn his citizens of war coming their way.
Adding insult to further injury and death to innocent citizens, he had the intelligence from the Americans and knew when Putin would enter.
AND he admitted to the Washington Post that he did NOT warn the people because it would have cost him $7 billion.
What kind of person does something like that?
It’s the kind of person who wanted as many civilians to be killed as possible so he could claim Russia is evil and the invasion was UNPROVOKED.
This, in turn played perfectly into what the left-wing Presstitutes keeps reporting because they love war.
Unfortunately, the Presstitutes will cheer when Americans come back in body bags.
And they dream for the day when CNN will return to the ratings they once had with the Gulf War.
It will be interesting to see how the markets respond this coming week to the incompetence in Ukraine from shooting down (our) F-16 jet.
Don’t be afraid to take some profits.
It will get more volatile going into the election.
Learn how to profit from the upcoming volatility (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they think supporting Ukraine is a noble cause. They’ll thank YOU later.
Tell them:
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