Question: Instead of having a Saturday Rant have you ever considered having a Saturday Q & A session?
Marty in Denver
Answer: Yes, Marty and we are implementing it today.
Question: James, at times you seem to speak about political issues more than finance. Is it because they are connected or do you think politics is more interesting?
Thank you,
Answer: Robbie, finance and politics are definitely connected. In fact, they are practically joined together at the hip. Not surprisingly it has been that way for thousands of years.
And it is not about to change anytime soon.
But for some reason (Cough! Gaslighting Presstitutes, Cough! Cough!) many people cannot seem to make the connection.
As a result, they step on the same financial minefields that Wall Street promotes with the help of their bought-and-paid-for Presstitutes.
And it always confirms that the 99% need to be wrong so the 1% can make fortunes…at your expense.
Question: You have been saying that the market is going to crash soon. Can you be more specific.
Answer: If you have been reading our posts lately, you’ll see that we have not been saying the market is going to crash soon.
Instead, we contend that we are still in The Most Hated Bull Market in History.
And that we expect a shakeout soon…specifically before the election because of the increasing uncertainty being shoved in your face 24/7. Because the markets HATE uncertainty.
A shakeout is not a crash.
And it could well be the time when you want to “back up the truck” as they say.
That is especially true in the Gold market.
And that’s due to several factors:
- Gold is a very small market (1% of the world’s assets are in gold making it easy for the Boyz to manipulate)
- Manipulation of gold is done in the futures (paper) markets where someone can sell $2-3 Billion dollars of gold in one trade forcing the price down…no actual gold changes hands because it’s in the paper market
- Gold goes up (not because of inflation) because of a loss of confidence in government…which (like the price of gold) has been hitting record highs.
- So, by beating down the price of gold, the Boyz “behind the curtain” give an artificial feeling that the loss of confidence in government isn’t as bad as you might think…but we know they are lying
Long story short here…take advantage of pullbacks in gold and silver before the election and prepare for the “Sling Shot Effect” …Read About it (HERE).
Question: James, have you published any books about your experiences on Wall Street? P.S. I love your article “Gold, If You Don’t Hold it, You Don’t Own it.”
Paula from Cincinnati
Answer: Thank you, Paula for mentioning writing books because we will be releasing a book dealing with Fear and Greed (Wall Street’s standard) soon.
And if anyone wants to read the Gold article you mentioned, it is free on our website and you can find it (HERE).
Thanks for your questions…keep them coming because we love hearing from you.
Share this with a friend…even if they don’t like politics, Wall Street, and Gold. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
We’re Not Just About Finance
But we use finance to give you hope.
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