Do you remember the anti-drug commercials from years ago where you’d see two raw eggs dropping into a searing hot skillet while some guy would say “This is your brain on drugs?”
Well, guess what?
Recent neurological studies show how our smart phones are having the same effects on our brains as the drug commercials so effectively displayed.
Put on your tin-foil hats
Let me explain this.
Every company and/or individual on the internet encourages you to install their “APP.”
It’s not just so you have quicker access to their site.
But it’s mostly to give them more access to you.
When you think about it, it’s a brilliant marketing move.
And, under the guise of keeping you “more informed and up to date,” you are giving these companies carte blanche to keep you in a constant state of agitation.
So, do the math.
The more apps you have, the more agitation you’re exposed to.
It’s not rocket science
But it’s the reason why neurologists AND endocrinologists are discovering why smart phones are leading the charge for people experiencing depression, anxiety, and aggravation.
We could easily blame this on Apple, Google, social media and other addictive technology habits we’ve been lured into, and we wouldn’t be wrong.
However, it all comes down to us being accountable for the decisions we make every day (like spending an inordinate amount of time on electronic devices).
Your Brain on…
Let’s face it…we’re junkies.
And that’s exactly what Big Tech wants.
Don’t get me wrong.
The advancement of technology is mind boggling.
Ironically, it’s also created for us a very fine line between liberation and bondage.
So, if you don’t want to end up like the: “This is your brain on apps,” image of eggs sizzling in frying pan, check out our November newsletter HERE.
It’s Not Just About Finance.
And share this with a friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
Remember, we’re featuring a PRE-BLACK FRIDAY special sale on our “…In Plain English” newsletter.

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