Certain media pundits are actually celebrating the fact that this week’s jobless numbers came in below 1 Million.
They think it’s wonderful… “Yayyyyy! Below 1 Million for the third week in a row.”
Wait, What!
The fact remains that a stunning 860,000 Americans filed For The First Time, for unemployment benefits last week.
What’s worse is that this is four times the pre-CovidHoax “normal numbers” and well above any peak week during the great meltdown and panic of 2008.
Remember, this is SEVEN MONTHS AFTER the lockdowns began.
I seriously doubt that people realize the extent of the economic damage caused by this CoronaHOAX.
The perpetrators – Billionaires, Oligarchs & Academics who are clueless of how the real-world functions – need to be held accountable.
Even lowly CNN now admits the “[a]bout 60% of businesses that have closed during the coronavirus pandemic will never reopen, and restaurants have suffered the most, according to new data from Yelp.”
The economic damage has undermined Western society and our economy.
There will be no miracle recovery…it may take decades to get back where we were.
Meanwhile, the boyz in the “Club” want you to believe a vaccine will save the economy and everything will recover as if nothing ever took place.
Don’t bet on it.
Of course, the Dishonest Propaganda Artists will champion the miraculous numbers coming in from giant retailers like Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, Target, etc. But what about the small businesses?
By a wide margin, the lockdowns have harmed the lower economic classes the most.
Ironically (or NOT) they’re the ones who mostly provide physical labor from cutting hair to driving trucks.
Here’s a thought.
What happens when the “stimulus” stops?
As we’ve said many times before, This is NOT About a Virus.
Are you Connecting the Dots, yet?
If not, what are you waiting for?
See what’s going on behind the curtain (HERE).
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