After the 2008 meltdown, Wall Street begged for a taxpayer bailout claiming the banks were Too Big To Fail.
Remember that?
And it was based on the threat of: “There Will be Tanks in the Street, Mr. President” if Bush didn’t sign the TARP bill.
The threat, by then Secretary of State and former Goldman Sachs CEO Hank Paulson worked.
Paulson immediately bailed out his cronies at Goldman and secured the final nail in the coffin of the assassination* of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
(* They were too big to fail also but were victims of Wall Street’s Vengeance… READ: Never Underestimate the Corruption/Vengeance on Wall Street…November 18, 2019 HERE)
12 years later we had TARP on steroids via the $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus in 2020 because the Big Pharma Boyz were also Too Big to Fail.
READ: $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus is TARP on Steroids March 20, 2020 (HERE).
Ironically (or NOT) and because of Trump, the 2024 election is starting to look like it is Too Big to Steal.
Let’s face it, we all know that they (liberals) are going to cheat and try and steal this election…like they did in 2020 and 2022.
Because they have already flat-out stated that they will not accept or acknowledge a Trump victory.
I doesn’t get more obvious than that.
Too Big To Steal
Too Big To Rig
However, momentum from early voting this year is rising like a tsunami in favor of Trump.
And as the polls surge, everyone on the Epstein/Diddy lists are now openly targeting Trump as a fascist.
As expected, the bought-and-paid-for media Presstitutes continue to say stupid things like “Harris is once again neck-and-neck with Trump at 48% each in the polls.”
Who are they polling?
This past weekend Trump packed the house at Madison Square Gardens to the scorn of Democrats upping the ante on their cries of “He’s Hitler.”
This is particularly funny when you consider how the Democrats have:
- Weaponized the media
- Censored free speech
- Forced medical experimentations
- Raided political rivals
- Abused the justice system
- Refused to hold a primary
- Attempted to assassinate rivals
- Started a war with Russia
And they call Trump Hitler?
Meanwhile they continue to plumb the depths of debauchery by featuring an ad campaign to porn-addicts for Kamala.
Wait! What?
And, NO…we’re not making this up.
Reid Hoffman, billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn and independent director on Microsoft’s board, appears to have donated a substantial amount of money to the “Progress Action Fund” — a PAC led by a far-left activist and former Obama administration alumnus.
PAF pushed out one of the cringiest pro-pornographic political ads to drum up support from chronic masturbators for Kamala Harris.
Instead of commenting, we encourage you to read about it at the link below:
And be sure to remember this next week… if you haven’t voted already.
A Trump victory could cause the market to explode up or down.
Learn how to position your portfolio in our upcoming November edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they haven’t voted yet. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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