Far too many people don’t think the Debt Ceiling Issue is that big of a deal.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, Janet Yellen should be impeached (and O’Biden) for their reckless attitude over the Debt Ceiling.
Yellen recently preached that the O’Biden Administration should be allowed to spend recklessly.
And she said that the US will default somewhere if the debt limit isn’t raised.
They are spending recklessly with no regard for the economy or the American people.
And ironically (or NOT) she said in the event of a default, it’s all the Republicans fault.
Mrs. Doubtfire Yellen is claiming blackmailing that they will have to renege on “some obligation, whether it’s Treasuries or payments to Social Security recipients,” if Congress fails to act.
Translation: WE don’t care about the debt. Just make sure the FED (Jerome Powell) keeps the printing presses running?
Sadly, if you do the math, you’ll see that what they have given Ukraine would have paid off ALL student loans.
I have a question for Mrs. Doubtfire:
What ever happened with the $3 trillion unaccounted for in the Pentagon budget?
Debt Ceiling Ignored
It’s almost as if these people want to ignore the debt ceiling altogether.
Meanwhile our resident Brandon is busy saying how he is going to nominate a Latina for Fed governor regardless if they are qualified or not.
Wait! What?
If that’s the case (and it is) then Yellen should be the first one fired for being a white over-the-hill official.
And BTW…did everyone simply forget that the policies of hiring people – whether they’re qualified or not – was what brought down SVB?
Or has everyone forgotten that already?
SVB was so woke that they hired people based entirely on their race or gender preference.
And yet, here we are watching these fools constantly screw the American people…all for the agendas of the Neocons and the Climate Change zealots.
Impeach Them for the Debt Ceiling
But they won’t be.
Because the swamp creatures protect each other.
And the end results will wreak havoc on our markets in the short term…and possibly as early as June.
So, be prepared to take action to protect your investments by reading our May edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they think Janet Yellen reminds them of Mrs. Doubtfire.
They’ll thank YOU Later.
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