Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

April 2023 Newsletter

And their only interest is in serving themselves. Henceforth the name “The Uniparty.” This isn’t just a phenomenon of recent times. In fact, its origins go back over 60 years with the assassination of JFK and the rise of the DEEP STATE. And the presence of todays Deep State couldn’t be more obvious than what we’ve witnessed in the last two years under the O’Biden Regime. More importantly it’s given rise to the fact that the Neocons are in control of the White House. And today they are in panic mode over a 21-year-old National Guardsman who leaked top secret documents…aka “The Pentagon Leaks.” Not surprisingly, the Pentagon Leaks showed how Ukraine is losing the war.
And their only interest is in serving themselves. Henceforth the name “The Uniparty.” This isn’t just a phenomenon of recent times. In fact, its origins go back over 60 years with the assassination of JFK and the rise of the DEEP STATE. And the presence of todays Deep State couldn’t be more obvious than what we’ve witnessed in the last two years under the O’Biden Regime. More importantly it’s given rise to the fact that the Neocons are in control of the White House. And today they are in panic mode over a 21-year-old National Guardsman who leaked top secret documents…aka “The Pentagon Leaks.” Not surprisingly, the Pentagon Leaks showed how Ukraine is losing the war.
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