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Cancel Culture 2021 = Russian Revolution 1917

Most people wouldn’t lump the Russian Revolution together with the Cancel Culture of 2021.

But, we’re not most people.

So, in order to have perspective, let’s look at a current definition of “Cancel Culture.”

Cancel culture (or call-out culture) is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been “cancelled”.

-Source Wikipedia-

Sounds innocent enough, doesn’t it?

However, with the recent “Cancellation” of Pepé Le Pew, Mr. Potato Head, Dr. Seuss – and God knows who’s next – the Cancel Culture is quietly moving into the danger zone.


Not So Innocent Cancel Culture

Ironically (or NOT) the root cause for cancelling or ostracizing people is eerily similar to how the Russian Revolution began.

It took place in 1917, during the final phase of World War I.  It also removed Russia from the war and put the Bolsheviks in power…Namely Vladimir Lenin.

And it also brought about the transformation of the Russian Empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), replacing Russia’s traditional monarchy with the world’s first Communist state.

Lenin’s aggressive campaign of singling out (Cough! Ostracizing, Cough! Cough! Cancelling) those who didn’t agree with THE PARTY POLICY rapidly became victims and were murdered.

And one of the Party’s first moves was to confiscate guns.

Sounding familiar?

This set the tone for the 20th Century’s mass murders of over 200 Million.

Here are some 20th century instances of governments first confiscating guns, then killing citizens:


  1. Ottoman Turkey 1.5 million murdered after guns were confiscated from citizens
  2. Soviet Union 20 million murdered
  3. Nazi Germany 13 million murdered
  4. China 20 million murdered
  5. Guatemala 100,000 murdered
  6. Uganda 300,000 murdered
  7. Cambodia 1 million murdered
  8. Rwanda 800,000 murdered


And the Sheeple bleat:  But! But! That can’t happen here! 

Ironically (or NOT) that’s what the socialists always say.

Big Tech’s Role in Cancel Culture


Meanwhile, the Big Tech Presstitutes are doing their part to advance the “Cancel Culture” via censorship, fact checking, and advocating Gun Control.

They even use the same phrases the Nazis used – “It’s for Your Safety” – when “Cancelling” the Jews:

…Es ist zu Ihrer Sicherheit.


If you haven’t noticed by now, the Party of Peace, Love and UNITY is working overtime to cancel groups like “Trump Supporters.”

And a wannabe famous author is equipping his 600k+ followers to rat them out for their “racism” and “domestic terrorism”.

Wait! What?

So, how long will it be before the Cancel Culture gets a few seats in Congress?

Are you Connecting the Dots yet?

It’s not too late to start.

And the best place to start is (HERE).

We’re Not Just About Finance.



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