Let’s face it. We are a nation of many addictions (many of which aren’t caused by the Big Pharma Boyz). And America’s latest addiction is the media driven fear po*n over the C-Virus.
It’s so bad that C-19 has reduced a majority of the people to a fearful state of Unquestioning Compliance.
And this includes the vast majority of otherwise critically-thinking journalists.
Or journalist wannabes.
Check out some of the following headlines that often appear in bold and large font.
- Will this nightmare never end?
- Mutant Virus Skyrockets
- Fear Grows Across the Country: VIRUS PANIC
- Coronavirus horror: Social Media footage shows infected Wuhan residents ‘act like zombies’
And these are just a few of far too many headlines created by irresponsible media presstitutes trying to keep you in A Constant State of Agitation.
It’s a very subtle AND effective way to divide and conquer.
Example: When it comes to matters over C-19, why is it suddenly unacceptable to question:
- “The Science?”
- The Authorities (who are these authorities, anyway?)
- Or question the same media whores that sold us on WMDs in Iraq and chemical attacks in Syria?
- And let’s not forget the complete destruction of WTC7 as it collapsed into its own footprint (demolition style) on 9/11 with no planes crashing in to it.
The point here is simple.
Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for media are the main drivers of hysteria.
And it’s the 24/7 bombardment of fear po*n that confuses the average joe.
Consequences of America’s Latest Addiction
This, in turn, enables tyranny to be brought in.
AND, it’s brought in unchallenged.
Ironically (or NOT) journalists’ responsibilities include exposing lies over wars of aggression.
At the same time, their duty is to do the same regarding the C-19 scam.
Why aren’t they doing their job?
For some – who refuse to challenge TPTB – it appears they have a greater fear of losing their audience.
That’s why the allure of fear po*n with the C-Virus is so strong.
It creates “Junkies” who need a constant fix.
So, whether or not you agree with dissenting voices and/or questions and criticisms – such as the ones we offer you every day – we have a right to ask and speak them.
And we do so, knowing that remaining silent in the face of these tyrannical C-19 measures is a guaranteed path to tyranny.
Don’t get caught up in America’s Latest Addiction.
Instead, learn how this madness will turn into “the opportunity of your lifetime” in our September edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re sick of America’s Latest Addiction.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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