The other day my IT specialist (Bradley) told me that based on Google Views of it was as if we’re asking to be censored.
My reply: Huh?
And he pointed out that – according to Google – my “visits/hits/views” and other tracking sources have recently been reduced by nearly 50%.
Again, Huh?
Upon closer inspection it seems as if our use of certain “key words” sets off Google alarm bells indicating that our headlines/articles/posts are almost as evil as the Taliban itself.
Henceforth, censorship.
Maybe Google is trying to cut us off like Twitter did.
Or, maybe they’re following Facebook’s lead by putting us in jail because we hurt some neo-liberal/Nazi/LGBTQ/Feminist/Gun-Grabbers feeeellwings.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE the Artificial Intelligence (AI) robots have truly taken over. And we’re witnessing the realization of the Terminator 3 “Rise of the Machines” movie in real time.
And speaking of Terminators, have you noticed how the “I Love America” – AhhhNold Schwarzenegger – has morphed into a modern-day Nazi telling us, “Screw Your Freedom?”
Ironically (or NOT) he’s become a glaring example of what politics does to you over time.
And now we have the Big Tech Boyz (Cough! Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, etc., Hairball Cough!) flexing their collective muscle of stealing our 1st Amendment rights.
Asking to Be Censored
Maybe Bradley is right and that – without realizing it – by exercising our 1st Amendment rights we’re asking to be censored by the Big Tech Presstitutes.
But despite all the advantages of today’s technology, we’re still “Old School” at
And we believe that the best and most effective form of communication still comes from Word of Mouth.
Let me explain.
Example: How did you hear about us?
Was it from Google?
Okay, that was two questions. But hopefully you get the point.
And because of good friends and dear readers like yourself, we can circumvent the Nazi style oppression of our freedom of speech.
Simply share our posts, emails, funnies, etc. with friends AND family members.
But why?
You never know who will respond in a positive way and possibly see the Big Picture.
Hopefully they’ll read something they like and it will be like The Light Went On for them.
As a result, that may change their lives in ways you can’t imagine.
It’s hard to say how most people will react to our posts.
But if Google has anything to say about it, they’ll try to keep many of your friends from reading what you believe to be the truth.
Be a good friend and share this with someone.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
And learn how we avoid Censorship HERE.
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