Reefer Madness is back…with a vengeance.
But this time it’s all about the money.
Question: Does anyone out there remember watching Reefer Madness when you were growing up?

It was a 1936 American propaganda film revolving around the melodramatic events that ensue when high school students are lured by pushers to try marijuana.
In high school we were required to watch it in Health Class as it posed serious health threats.
Maybe it was just my class but most of us laughed at the melodramatic hysteria it represented. It featured a hit and run accident, manslaughter, suicide, attempted rape, hallucinations, and descent into madness all due to marijuana addiction.
Mr. Elkins (our teacher) was not amused and issued detention slips for many of us that day.
Ahh, yes, the fun memorable days of our youth.
Fast forward to 2019 and you see marijuana as the fastest growing multi-billion-dollar industry in the world.
What changed?
The financial and political interest of the families who originally led the charge for Prohibition of Marijuana in 1937 (Rockefellers, Dupont, Hearst) are all in on the game.
Billions are at stake.
And most investors will mistakenly believe they’ll get rich buying pot stocks.
Don’t take the bait.
The boyz in the club know how a naïve public will chase marijuana stocks…a vast majority of which will be out of business in a few years.
The real money is in the Cannabinoids (CBD oils) and the big boyz have their tentacles wrapped all around the companies producing them.
In our January 2019 newsletter we named several companies primed to profit from the businesses surrounding the marijuana industry.
One is up over 94% and another is up over 59% in three months.
See what you’re missing?
Don’t miss our new marijuana related stocks in the April issue of “…In Plain English.”
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