It was only a matter of time before some group capitalized on unvaccinated sperm that’s free from Covid contamination.
Cue up: The world’s first unvaccinated dating service in Hawaii.
Online dating in Hawaii has upped its game with participants being asked the “deal-breaking” question: Are you vaccinated?
At the height of the Covid madness and faced with discrimination and censorship, many unvaccinated people lost jobs and relationships because they chose to remain unvaccinated.
And the “un-jabbed” didn’t have the option to say they were unvaccinated” to potential online dating partners.
But that’s what prompted businesswomen, moms, and best friends, Shelby Thomson and Heather Pyle of Maui, Hawaii to launch “Unjected,” a dating app for the unvaccinated, on the Google and Apple stores.
And soon after its launch Thomson and Pyle started receiving hate emails, then negative publicity in the media.
Apple decided to remove “Unjected” from the app store, claiming it provided medical disinformation.
Now that is unadulterated censorship.
But it shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been paying attention.
Unvaccinated Sperm Database?
Thomson said “Unjected” is more than a dating service for the unvaccinated.
It’s also a blood bank database and a fertility bank for the unvaccinated.
Which makes perfect sense, if you’re having surgery to have access to blood that’s unvaccinated.
And although Unjected was faced with a Pandemic of Censorship from the Medical Tyranny Boyz, they managed to succeed.
And like everything else, it’s about making choices from coercion.
And it’s giving new meaning to dating in the Roaring 2020s.
All kidding aside, this is a great victory against the Medical Tyranny that was simultaneously launched with the CoronaHoax.
But we’re not out of the woods yet.
Apparently, it takes nearly three years for “the masses” to “wake up.”
And it’s no wonder the self-anointed elites consider the masses expendable.
As a result, the masses waking up is worrisome to the techno-tyrant Boyz in the “Club.”
Because now they have to change their game plan from deadly pandemic to extra-terrestrial alien attack…coming to a theater near you soon.
Think I’m kidding?
Then ask yourself why are we being conditioned to F-16s shooting down random UFO’s and/or Balloons up in Alaska?
It’s called “preparing the Sheeple for WW3”.
And you can read all about it in February’s edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they believe in extra-terrestrials and/or have unvaccinated sperm.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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