When people or nations become desperate, they usually need to change emergencies to keep the focus off their real problems.
Translation: The Covid story is dying quicker than the Boyz anticipated.
So, they need a war…and need it fast.
Cue up: Putin’s eventual/any day now “it’s gonna happen soon…I can just sense it” …Please hurry up Vlad, we’re getting desperate…invasion of Ukraine.
But as we’ve been saying (Read: Will Putin Need to Protect Ukraine HERE ) Putin doesn’t have to invade Ukraine.
In fact, he doesn’t WANT to.
He simply wants to protect the predominantly ethnic Russian portion of Eastern Ukraine.
And – guess what? – they WANT his protection.
Putin has often referred to Ukraine as “Little Russia.”
And on Monday he ordered Russian troops to ‘maintain peace’ in two territories of East Ukraine.
Of course, most of Europe and the US are claiming this is illegal while making it seem like he’s already invaded Ukraine.
Ironically (or NOT) the West has intentionally sought to suppress the people in those areas.
But it’s all about political posturing.
For those who’ve been paying attention, this is what has instigated the separatist movement that Putin has recognized and is determined to protect.
As a result, we’ll see Stinky Joe continue to blame our rising gas prices on The Evil Russkies.
The Real Need to Change Emergencies
As we have mentioned before, the West NEEDS a war.
Again, the Covid narrative is dying.
And along with it any bit of remaining credibility the Boyz behind it have left.
What’s interesting here is while the need to change emergencies is strong, it’s also being rebuked and exposed.
No thanks to the Whores-Of-Babble-On presstitutes.
Instead, it’s happening from the fact that more people are waking up to the pushback against medical Tyranny (THANK YOU CANADIAN TRUCKERS).
So, when you hear Stinky Joe blame everything – from crashing markets, to runaway oil prices, to you paying more at the gas pump – on Putin don’t believe it.
Instead, look for bargain discount prices on stocks over the next few weeks.
And check out some of the big-name brand companies we’re suggesting you consider buying in our “Short and Sweet” column (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’ve been saying how they’ll wait for stocks to correct.
They might thank YOU later…but probably won’t take any action.
But don’t let that stop you.
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