The Neocons plans of using Ukraine as a proxy war to usher in WWIII is because most of Russia’s pipelines flow through Ukraine.
That’s right.
The warmongers continue to use Ukraine to “poke the Bear” for several reasons:
- They really do think they can conquer Russia and that Putin is NOT the madman they’re claiming him to be and is far more reasonable.
- They are counting on this…assuming he will NOT turn to nuclear weapons.
- Then they will take over Russia and then turn on China.
- This is also about ending energy flowing from Russia to Europe for the pipelines flow through Ukraine.
(See chart below)
These fools are manufacturing WAR for two purposes:
- They need war to impose more restrictions from digital currencies to IDs
claimingenforcing mandatory vaccines - They actually think they can force Russia AND China to comply with their Great Reset including climate change and having them surrender sovereignty to the United Nations.
Bottom line…it ain’t gonna happen.
Europe’s Oil Comes from Pipelines that Flow Through Ukraine
Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset minions had three obstacles: Trump, Putin, and Xi.
Trump was removed and replaced with our dementia ridden Resident Brandon.
So, now they are turning to Russia and China.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
They need to conquer both to reach their goal of a New World Order which they boldly put forth at the 2022 World Government Summit.
And to think that we and/or Europe – which is a total basket case – can take on the Bear and the Dragon simultaneously is a pipedream (pun intended).
Both China and Russia are more advanced militarily than the US.
And if you don’t believe it then check out their Supersonic missiles that can strike the US within minutes after launch.
You must understand that Schwab’s Great Reset crowd is planning a New World Order.
But in order to do that they need to push the world into chaos.
And from chaos the plan is that the United Nations will appear to be the Great Peace Maker to save humanity.
But…and this is another Very Big Butt…
In order to accomplish this, the herd has to be culled, tagged, and controlled.
They want to convince you that once we all have our digital IDs – and there is no currency other than a government-controlled digital currency – they’ll effectively eliminate all crime and any underground economy.
Again, it ain’t gonna happen.
Be sure to read about what steps you need to take to survive this madness in our May issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they’d like to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.
They’ll thank YOU later.
At Financial$Matter We’re Not Just About Finance.
We simply use finance to give you hope.
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