February 14, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sunday Funnies, If You’re Not Offended…

Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where today we celebrate Ground Hog Day to see if Global Warming will continue its torrid pace of freezing weather all across America.

And as expected, climate zealots will somehow find a way to blame Trump for their misguided views of Global Warming…*

(* Hint…it is getting colder, not warmer)





And speaking of Blaming Trump, the Liberals can’t seem to figure out that for the last four years under O’Biden we have seen egg prices go through the roof.

But they blame it on Trump anyway.





As a result, items (like eggs and toilet paper) no longer serve the same purposes the way they did for many Baby Boomers and Gen X’ers.

…proving that Liberal policies tend to take the fun out of anything and everything that was once considered normal.





Last week began with China’s all out assault on the AI (Artificial Intelligence) market as their DeepSeek app literally wiped-out Trillions of market value in the Big Tech Sector in one day.

Investors are still reeling after China’s shockwave shellacking in the AI sector and are trying to figure out how to blame this on Trump.





And after only less than two weeks with Trump as their President, critics are realizing how foolish their complaining is compared to the last four years.





And speaking about complaining, the deportation of illegal immigrants has brought shame and ridicule to celebrity wannabes like Selena Gomez.

So much so that after Extreme Backlash, Selena Gomez Pulled Her Blubbering Video About Illegal Immigrant Kids Being Separated from Their Parents.





Ironically (or NOT) here’s what Selena Gomez (and most other celebrity wannabes) was Really Crying About…





But unlike Ms. Gomez there are plenty of other Americans who are unabashedly reacting over the mass deportation of illegal immigrants.





And speaking of deportation of illegal immigrants, we feel obligated to point out Liberal Hypocrisy in plain view.





Ironically (or NOT) the current Senate hearings of Trump’s Cabinet nominees give new meaning to the idea of having diversity in government as another example Democrat Hypocrisy on Steroids as they do the opposite.





And that is precisely why we publish the Sunday Funnies.


You see, we use our funnies/memes/cartoons to counter the madness and frustration that accompanies Turbulent Times.


We like to call them “Digital Seeds of Truth.”





Because when it is all said and done, we all need to laugh every now and then.



Laughter is good for your soul.


And it is healthy to be a bit silly…especially in the face of fear mongering, medical tyranny, and especially the threat of WWIII.

It’s even more reason why we won’t apologize…especially if our Funnies just happen to hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings.


And please remember:


The Sunday Funnies are not just about our nation’s bizarre state of politics/finance/beliefs.

It’s about awareness of what’s happening in the world that we choose to poke fun at.


And, if our funnies/memes/cartoons/etc. provide you with a laugh or two – and/or open your eyes to some stark realities – then we consider that a victory.


So, when things tend to get a bit overwhelming, we believe it’s best to remember that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.

And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.

As always, we remind you:  As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.


As a result…





Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful…


P.S.  The Madness Ends WHEN WE SAY: “NO!”


…and the word WE means a majority.


So, Welcome to the 3rd “Great Awakening” in America during the Roaring 20s of the 21st Century.









It’s Not Too Hard to Figure Out, But…







A Question You Should Ask Your Liberal Friends







Meanwhile, Illegal Immigrants Can’t Seem to Figure Out Why They Are Being Treated Like… “Illegals”







And Speaking of “Can’t Seem to Figure Out” …Trump Proves His Point About the Presstitutes







What Democrats Chose to Focus on in Trump’s Second Week as President







Last Week Liberal Senators Continued Their Grilling of RFK Jr Hoping Keep Him From Running the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)…But Why???







Speaking of the Senate Hearings…







And in Case You Missed it…Certain Senators (Who Seem to Find Pleasure in Not Letting Others Speak or Answer Questions in the Hearings) Are Protecting Their Source of Real Income







For Those Who Struggle With Choosing Their Gender, We Submit the Following Example…







When You Realize that Turning One Letter Around in DEI Explains Its True Nature of Racism Against White People







And Speaking of DEI and the Consequences of Forcing Companies to Comply With It…







Contrary to a Very Small Minority of Belief, Diversity is NOT our Strength







Ironically (or NOT) Companies Who Jumped on the DEI Bandwagon Are Finding Themselves Running Like Rats on a Sinking Ship Now that There is a New Sherrif in Town







And Speaking of Dying Idealogues and Stupid Beliefs Here is How a Liberal Explains Evolution to a Child







Flying Under the Radar Last Week (and Proving That No One Really Cares About Worn Out Lying Presstitutes…







From the “Oh, the Hypocrisy” Category…







And Speaking of “Oh, the Hypocrisy” the Party Who Defends Women Have Spoken…Loud and Clear







When Your Friends Contemplate Getting a CyberTruck…







If You Ever Wondered How Politicians Earning $175,000 Per Year End Up With a Net Worth over $200 Million, You Must Understand Their “Circle of Life”







And Speaking of Their “Circle of Life” Here’s a Classic Example of Liberal Logic 101







Last, But Certainly Not Least, It Seems That Now That Trump is Back, America is Starting to Get Its Old Sense of Humor Back as Well








That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.


Unless, of course, you want to see more risqué and/or NSFW memes… you can find them (HERE).


As always, we hope you enjoy our memes/cartoons/rants etc. and that they bring a smile to your face.

We love to hear your comments so keep ‘em coming.


And although the world seems pretty dark these days, we encourage you to see why you have a lot to hope for as you Learn How to Thrive in 2025 and beyond (HERE).


In the meantime, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members.


Caution: They may get offended.


But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.

And be sure to tell them…


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.

Support always welcome via the digital tip jar.




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