October 2024
October 3, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Sunday Funnies, If You’re Not Offended…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day…



And welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week the bizarro world kicked in on steroids with headlines reporting of cannibalism in Haiti.


And, NO we’re not making this up.


Reports of the cannibalism are supposedly the result of no one taking away the bodies of those being shot dead in the streets.

And while cannibalism is not necessarily funny, the meme world has been flooded as a result.


Ironically (or NOT) Trump was right (AGAIN) after he was openly criticized (by Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post) for calling Haiti a s**thole back in 2018.








Events like this make it look like our What’s in Store for 2024 theme is surpassing even our most bizarre expectations.

And this one definitely falls into the category of…



“Just When You Thought Things Couldn’t Get Much Crazier…”








As expected, the controversy over Haiti’s Cannibalism has sparked outrage by certain (liberal) special interest groups who like to blame everything on racists and/or white supremacists.









And speaking of racists, we’ve compiled a list of activities where having a photo I.D. is not considered racist.








And if you need more proof of what is racist and what is not racist, simply listen to the words of our current Attorney General who said…








But it never ceases to amaze us how a POS like Merrick Garland uses these issues as their way of turning a conflict into another conflict.


And speaking of conflicts, the idiotic Defund the Police movement has forced understaffed police stations to issue really stupid recommendations on how to deter crime.







On a more reflective and religious observance note, this year the Ramadan begins on March 12, 2024, and ends on April 9, 2024.


And one of our loyal readers decided to celebrate the Muslim holiday by combining it with a tribute to the LGBT crowd by offering up one of his latest recipes that’s just in time for Ramadan.


He calls it the Lettuce, Guac, Bacon, and Tomato… but We Used to Call it BLAT.







And that is precisely why we publish the Sunday Funnies.



You see, we use our funnies/memes/cartoons to counter the madness and frustration that accompanies Turbulent Times.




Because when it is all said and done, we all need to laugh every now and then.




Laughter is good for your soul.

And it’s healthy to be a bit silly…especially in the face of fear mongering, medical tyranny, and especially the threat of WWIII.


It’s even more reason why we won’t apologize…especially if our Funnies just happen to hurt some Progressive/Socialist/Communist/Globalist’s feeeellwwings.


And please remember:



The Sunday Funnies are not just about our nations bizarre state of politics/finance/beliefs.

It’s about awareness of what’s happening in the world that we choose to poke fun at.



And, if our funnies/memes/cartoons/etc. provide you with a laugh or two – and/or open your eyes to some stark realities – then we consider that a victory.


So, when things tend to get a bit overwhelming, we believe it’s best to remember that Humor is Waaaayyyyy better than Hatred…which is contrary to what the world wants you to believe.


And we hope you see the Sunday Funnies as a refreshing oasis in the middle of a parched, dry, and increasingly dark world that we’re living in.


As always, we remind you: As difficult as things might appear, Evil Always Overplays its Hand…And Righteousness Prevails.



Thanks again for joining us on this crazy journey we’re on and remember America Was Built by the Brave, Not by the Fearful…


P.S.  The Madness Ends WHEN WE SAY: “NO!”


…and the word WE means a majority.







Hopefully This is a New Trend










Sorry/Not Sorry…Haters Will Hate This, But We Couldn’t Pass This One Up…










When Haters Accuse Us of Stealing Their Memes We Respond with…










The Tech (ID GUY) for FinancialsMatter Has Taught Us Well About the Difference Between Tech Enthusiasts and Programmers/Engineers…Thanks, Bradley!










The Next Time Someone Mentions Brainwashing and Programming, Tell Them…










When You Hear Democrats Rant About “Cultural Enrichment” Remember This…










We Can’t Be the Last Ones to Learn This…










We All Need a Friend Who Understands and Can Explain Math in Simple Terms










Another Reason Why Having a Friend Who is Good in Math… (see above meme)










When You Don’t Want to Admit to Being a Democrat or Republican…










For Those Who Think We Are “Conspiracy Theorists” When We Mention Geoengineering Patents…go ahead and Google it.










These Mug Shots Should Make You Wonder, Who Chose These Pictures?










Funny/Not so Funny Fact of Inflation










When Eggs Mourn…










Why “Real Food” is Real Good










How Using Food Expresses Love










Send This to a Certain Supreme Court Judge (or Anyone Else Who Asks “What is a Woman?”)










Dogs Know How to Be Comedians Too










Speaking of Bicycles, Who Remembers This?










Another Difference Between Boys and Girls is That Boys Will Find This Funny…But Not Girls










This Could Also Be Captioned…The…Chris…Kid










Maybe It’s Because of Our Memes…










Another One of Those  “Kids Will Never Know…” Memes










Students of History (and Those Who Read Our Newsletter) Will Understand This…









Did Your Grandma do This for YOU?

And, If So, Was She as Drunk Looking (like Grandpa in the Background) as This Pic?














That’s all for this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies.


Unless, of course, you want to see more risqué and/or NSFW memes… you can find them (HERE).


And for the remainder of “What’s in Store for 2024” you can rest assured we’ll poke fun at many of the headline grabbers every weekend, as usual.



As always, we hope you enjoy our memes/cartoons/rants etc. and that they bring a smile to your face.

We love to hear your comments so keep ‘em coming.


And although the world seems pretty dark these days, we encourage you to see why you have a lot to hope for in 2024 and beyond (HERE).


In the meantime, be sure to share these funnies with friends and family members.


Caution: They may get offended.


But remind them…It’s important to laugh together and laugh often.

And be sure to tell them…


We’re Not Just About Finance…but we use finance to give you hope.

See You Next Sunday…




Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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