Is it a coincidence when the timing for a “Short Squeeze” comes around the Christmas holiday?
Or are we in a Santa Rally…courtesy of Wall Street Banksters trying to beef up their year-end bonuses?
It’s probably both.
For those unaware a “short squeeze” is when the markets rally after a pronounced sell-off.
The sell-off – enhanced by many short sellers/aka “Shorts” profiting from falling stock prices – eventually runs out of steam.
And that’s when buying programs kick in forcing the shorts to buy back the positions they sold.
In other words, they got “squeezed out” of their short positions, henceforth the name: short squeeze.
Famous Santa Rally
Do you remember what happened to GameStop (GME) in January 2021?
READ: Is GameStop about to Gamedrop? January 28, 2021 (HERE).
The shorts/Banksters got taken to the woodshed by a bunch of Reddit Rebels causing GME to rise from under $20 to over $320 in a few weeks.
It was a rare event where the little guy got a pound of flesh (or more) from the Banksters.
But the point is that a short squeeze has a limited shelf life and can be extremely volatile.
In addition to the shorts, the Banksters use the holidays to create a favorite Wall Street recurring event…the Santa Rally.
Ironically (or NOT) a Santa Rally usually occurs after a mediocre or poor market (Cough! July, August, and September 2023, Cough! Cough!)
And everyone gets excited at the prospect of Santa bringing them an early Christmas gift in the form of rising stock prices.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
After Thanksgiving most investors don’t pay much attention to the markets.
And this allows the Boyz in the “Club” to do their year-end manipulations while the 99% are Christmas shopping.
However, this year has been plagued by inflation, and empty shelves for Christmas.
Santa Rally Or?
So, if we are in a Santa Rally – combined with a short squeeze – you can rest assured the Boyz will do their best to increase their year-end bonuses.
And you should consider it an opportunity to raise some cash in the event that we could witness a Man-Made Depression in 2024.
Read more about it (HERE).
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