With all the news about Haitians eating ducks and cats in Springfield, Ohio it is not surprising that people are upset.
As a result, we are hearing an abundance of rants about it and getting volumes of memes as well.
Understandably so.
Ironically (or NOT) today’s rant is from a woman we have featured before on this rant who just happens to be from Ohio.
So, with that in mind let’s turn today’s rant over to Pretty in Pink.
The stage is all yours PiP.
Hi James. As a fellow Ohioan I would imagine you might be as pissed off as I am over the barbaric behavior taking place in Springfield.
I just wonder who in the hell decided to dump 20,000 Haitians in a town of 58,000 and not expect major problems to happen.
My guess is Heels-Up Harris, who is probably cackling like a hyena over this, and denying it while claiming she will fix everything on Day One after she’s elected.
Hey, B**ch! Your Day One started over 3 ½ years ago.
Unfortunately, I don’t believe a word she says.
And that three-against-one debate the other night proved that these people are in total denial while the sleepy town of Springfield, Ohio is being terrorized.
My cousin’s family still has a car dealership in Springfield. And she told me that she can’t believe what she’s seeing.
Haitians are stealing cats, slicing them up in front of their neighbors and eating them.
Meanwhile, that dumbass Rachel MadCow is reporting that they aren’t eating cats, ducks, and dogs.
What is wrong with these people?
I almost don’t want to admit it but my tin-foil-hat radar is telling me the sinister side of this has to do with two things: 1) Springfield was the most pro-Trump city in Ohio. 2) The real target is the surrounding farmers.
And you being an Ohio boy know what I mean.
The farm land around Springfield is some of the most fertile and productive land in the country.
And most of it is still owned by small family farmers.
So, what better way is there to ruin the value of real estate in the area than by filling it with undesirables who could care less about our culture?
And then the Bill Gates types move in and scoop of the farmland at distressed prices AND THEN STOP FARMING THE LAND.
The result is more food shortages in the future.
James, I must admit that I find myself sounding more like you everyday when I step back and ask myself “Why is this happening?” and “Who profits from this.?”
And the good news is my friends and family members are starting to think that I’m not crazy after all.
Thanks for relentlessly publishing your emails, monthly newsletter, and allowing us to rant occasionally.
It is very liberating to not worry about what others think about you when you share the truth with them.
Thanks PiP, for your kind words…I love you.
AND thanks for your informative insight into the tragedy taking place in Ohio.
Let’s hope DeWiney (governor) gets off his lazy ass and does something about it.
As always, if you – our Dear Readers – have a rant you would like to share then please send it to us.
You never know whose life will be affected by it.
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