In what is now considered an historically embarrassing loss for the Democrats, Trump has made a Clean Sweep taking both the House and Senate.
But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt…
The RINOs are preparing to oppose Trump to protect the swamp.
And RINO supreme, Mitch (Turtle) McConnell is leading the charge by securing Trump hater John Thune to control the Senate and protect the swamp.
So, we are going to turn today’s rant over to one of our favorite ranters, Scoob Martin, who is no friend of RINOs.
Go get ‘em Scooby!
James, let me start off by saying that Mitch McConnell is probably the biggest piece of s**t to ever represent the Republican party.
And I hope someone in Trump’s administration goes after him because he is a traitor to the people of this country.
He staged a COUP against the incoming president and should have been hauled out of the Senate in chains.
Because he has abused his personal power to try to obstruct what the American people voted for just so he could protect the swamp.
McConnell engineered a coup against Trump’s agenda by calling for early leadership elections in the Senate to ensure that the RINOS would select his replacement to obstruct the American people…just like he did throughout the previous Trump Administration.
And his replacement is another RINO POS John Thune from South Dakota who happens to be anti-Trump as well.
McConnell saw to it that the election of Thune was held in a secret ballot vote of 29-24.
This was done to prevent the new members of the Senate – who won on Trump’s coattails – from having any say in who would run the Senate.
And it is because the Boyz/Puppet Masters behind the curtains want to replace Kamala with their RINO pick.
You have said it many times, James, that never will the press EVER report the truth about these people.
And that it was the RINOS and NEOCONS who previously stuffed Trump’s Cabinet to prevent him from draining the swamp last time.
These people are delusional because they want a world where they control what we think and read.
In the meantime, the butt-hurt moron losers are all up in arms over Trump’s picks for his new Cabinet.
They claim that his choices are unqualified and/or inexperienced while totally ignoring the clown shows they gave us for the last four years.
The good news is that Trump isn’t naïve this time around. And it will be interesting to see just how deep the DEEP STATE really runs when Thune opposes Trump’s cabinet.
And, thank God Trump is back.
As always, we couldn’t agree with you more, Scoob.
And thanks for your informative and entertaining rant.
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