February 14, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Same Objectives, Different Scam

The Powers that be (TPTB) have the same objectives – using Ukraine to implement their plan to take over the world – but are using a different scam.


Putin has announced he will nationalize foreign-owned businesses that flee the country over its invasion of Ukraine.

And he’s saying to the West that he can also play the same game.

Ironically (or NOT) the same finger prints of the CoronaHoax are all over the political need for World War III.

The sanctions are really intended to shut down the use of fossil fuels.

And by driving the price higher, the Boyz believe that the people will consume less and work virtually.

Ultimately these tactics are intended to confuse people.

And, more importantly, get their focus off of what’s really going on behind the curtain.


Sandra – a newsletter subscriber from South Florida – had this to say:


Hi James,

So, I’m wondering why in one newsletter you say that the world is going with the vaccination passport and will be using QR codes to track people and stop the unvaxxed from traveling and then in other newsletters you mention how all these nations are stopping the mandates and admitting the vaccine doesn’t work. So, which one is it, why mixed messages?


Thanks, Sandra.

We haven’t changed our opinion of either point you mentioned.


Using the Same Objectives

And the fact that nations are stopping the mandates – basically admitting how they’ve lied to everyone – is happening while they want you to focus on war and the evil Putin.

Eventually they’ll use the war to step up their efforts to advance the use of QR codes and vaccine passports…hoping the sheeple comply.

As a result, they’ll also use the war to introduce a new reason to take the jab and/or bring back mandates.

And the Big Pharma Boyz know it’s already baked into the cake.

So, as today’s headline reads Same Objective, Different Scams.

It may not seem like it but we’re already into World War III.

And it’s being carried out in the Financial World.

Read more about it – and how to profit from it – in our March edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).

You’ll thank us later.

And share this with a friend.

They’ll thank YOU later.

We’re Not Just About Finance.





A Friendly Reminder that Things Don’t Always Appear as They Seem

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