Put on your tin-foil hat today as we talk about how Pavel Durov’s (CEO of Telegram) recent arrest doesn’t pass the smell test.
In fact, it stinks…royally!
At first, Durov’s arrest appears to be another authoritarian attack on free speech (which it is).
And it is mostly being blamed on the fact that his Telegram platform allowed both Zelensky and Russians saying their peace on social media.
So, this begs the question… Since Telegram is one of the most popular free speech platforms, why has France arrested him?
Some speculate that it was because he allowed Anti-Israel hackers to publish “sensitive data” and refused Israel’s request to censor them.
Other sources speculate that this is another “conspiracy theory” questioning why his private plane would land in France knowing that there was a warrant for his arrest.
But regardless of the reasoning behind his arrest, Europe is becoming highly dangerous to even visit.
And with the new mandatory visa coming on January 1st, you will no doubt be scrutinized for your political beliefs before you are granted a visit to view Europe.
Welcome to 1984…where you will be asked: “Papers, Please!”
Ironically (or NOT) this is a warning of what is to come in the near future.
And by that we mean instead of reforming, our Western governments will seek to shut down every path of free speech unless it is their propaganda…otherwise they will say it is misinformation.
The Smell Test
But before you get too outraged with Pavel Durov’s arrest, just keep in mind that he is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s Young Leaders Program.
Translation: He’s on the same playing field as Justin Trudeau/Castro.
And probably takes his orders from George and Alex Soros.
Shakespeare nailed it many years ago when he wrote:
“The world is a stage, and all and men and women are merely players”
Governments are scared to death of the truth.
And will do whatever it takes these days to censor us and shut down every avenue of free speech.
They have the Gaslighting Presstitutes in their pocket.
As a result, Mainstream Journalism has become the arch-enemy of our freedom.
And they will claim it is all in the name of ‘Diversity.’
On another related/unrelated or possibly a Presstitute misinformation/distraction note, a Syrian man was arrested for the recent massive stabbing attack in Germany.
Think of the irony of attending a festival celebrating ‘diversity’ only to be stabbed to death by one of the ‘refugees’ you were ‘welcoming’.
One more thing.
These Boyz went after Tik Tok and now Telegram.
So, will Elon Musk’s X be next?
Share this with a friend…especially if they use the Telegram social media website. They’ll thank YOU later.
And remind them:
We’re Not Just About Finance
But we use finance to give you hope.
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