September 15, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Musk, Gates and Trump Walk Into a Bar

With three characters like Musk, Gates and Trump it’s easy create a story line.

Ironically (or NOT) they have a lot in common.


Compare how they are:

  1. All megalomaniacs
  2. Very wealthy
  3. Have an ardent and vocal fan base
  4. Power hungry

And it’s interesting to watch Musk transform into Trump


The parallels are multiplying rapidly now.

Some of them include:

  1. Uninhibited tweets
  2. Buying his way into power and influence
  3. And becoming a lightning rod for the cancel culture

At least that’s what is seems on the surface.

Musk behaves like a man on stimulants, burning his candle at both ends.

One moment he could be waxing about free speech or grandiose plans to save mankind from extinction, and the next he could be telling fart jokes to insult a fellow billionaire.

The word bi-polar comes to mind.

Anyway, I find myself taking guilty pleasure in Musk and Trump when they resist and fire shots at woke tyrants.

But…and this is a Very Big Butt…

I also remain deeply skeptical and suspicious of them AND Gates.


Musk, Gates, and Trump

None of them are moral, spiritual, or intellectual models, and none of them have identified true solutions for our nation’s core problems.

One thing is obvious in that Musk has surpassed Trump as the greatest troll on the planet.

With his epic Trump level trolling, Musk makes fun of Apple, Gates and wokeness in one tweet!

But as much as you can appreciate Musk’s razor-sharp sense of humor you must still consider:

  1. Musk is part of the Cabal
  2. He’s not your buddy
  3. This is all panem et circenses; BREAD AND CIRCUSES
  4. Musk wants ID verification for Twitter

As a result, the curtain is pulled back.

He’s always been controlled opposition.

And now we have two obvious reasons for control:

  1. Electric Vehicles (fully computerized)
  2. Digital ID – a step closer to removing anonymity

Both high on his agenda.

So, before you engage into “rich guy” worship, remember: These rich guys have no compassion or even the slightest interest in the common man.

But we do.

And we prove it every month in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).

See for yourself (HERE).

And share this with a friend…especially if they’re into rich guy worship.

They’ll thank YOU later.


We’re Not Just About Finance.

But we use finance to give you hope.


Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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