As Chicago and NY Plead for Help from the immigration invasion, the US experienced the largest border breach in history during 2023.
Ironically (or NOT) these liberal “sanctuary cities” voted to be the recipients of immigrants.
And now they whine how (because of immigrants) they are:
- On the verge of collapse
- Every public service has been maxed out
- Their transportation, healthcare, and education systems have been stretched thin over the past seven months
- They simply do not know how to handle the rapid influx
- They have countless stories of migrants committing violent crimes
- No one knows who these people (mostly military-aged men) are or where they come from
- And it presents a major issue for law enforcement
Adding insult to injury, (literally) the latest House estimate states that the ANNUAL cost to support illegal migrants will be, at minimum, $451 billion per year.
And they conveniently forget how Trump requested a small fraction of that figure ($5 Billion) to build a wall and secure the border.
Instead, the vagina hat wearing crowd (among others) railed against building a wall.
Largest Border Breach
As bizarre as it may sound the establishment is offering the full socialist experience to migrants.
Translation: They can seek “asylum” here and receive free shelter, food, healthcare, and monthly payments.
As a result, the majority cannot work in the US and are completely supported by the American taxpayer.
We definitely agree with Candace Owens on this topic…
Adding further insult to literal injury, caravans of up to 10,000 migrants are arriving at the border every single day.
And these people are provided with more resources than our veterans or senior citizens.
Sadly enough, Vets and seniors are often the ones who rely on government assistance after a lifetime of paying into the system.
And yet, we somehow have the resources to secure Ukraine’s border and Israel’s border.
Do you remember how Mrs. Doubtfire (Janet Yellen) said the US could absolutely afford two wars, but what about the invasion happening at home?
The Bottom Line???
In our (not so) Humble Opinion…
Because this is happening all by design and has been in play since Obama was president.
This (along with the rigged election in 2024) will be one of the catalysts that leads the US into a civil war.
So, if you haven’t prepared for the imminent volatility in 2024, (AND/OR how to profit from it) be sure to read our January issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t think we have an immigrant invasion/crisis in the US
They’ll thank YOU later.
And remind them:
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