Have you ever noticed that someones worst nightmare is someone elses dream come true?
To give you a hint of what I mean, just look at the ridiculous amount of ongoing focus on the Trump/Putin meeting.
The WOBM (Whores of Babylon Media) presstitutes are obsessed (possibly demonically obsessed) and cant let this thing go.
Thats a sign that the floodgates have been opened and the cockroaches (who depend on the Deep State for cover) are running for their lives.
They know that somehow, theyve been exposed and that their worst nightmare is about to come true.
Do you think the private Putin/Trump meeting has anything to do with it?
No doubt.
Allow me to speculate here for a moment because the hysteria over that private meeting is significant.
What if (during that private meeting) Putin gave Trump, oh, lets say over 100 Terabytes of highly classified evidence exposing treasonous acts from many high-level politicians and American businessmen?
After all, if Russia hacked and interfered with our elections, isnt it possible they hacked Hillarys emails?
Or maybe Putin offered proof about Podestas Pizzagate Scandal involving sex-trafficking and a massive pedophilia ring amongst the Elite?
Or, how about classified documents concerning 9/11 that no one wants to see released?
And what about Julian Assange?
Hes been very quiet lately. Didnt he claim to have a disproportionate amount of compromising evidence on many high-level world figures?
Keep in mind that I wrote WHAT IF. (see above)
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