February 11, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Comments From the Peanut Gallery

Who out there remembers the Peanut Gallery?

From Wikipedia:

A peanut gallery was, in the days of vaudeville, a nickname for the cheapest and ostensibly rowdiest seats in the theater, the occupants of which were often known to heckle the performers. 

We apologize for any disruptions you might have seen in our daily emails over the last few weeks.

Because it seems that someone doesn’t like what we’re publishing.

And our emails are somehow being notified as spam and/or being censored.


But the fact that someone/thing doesn’t want you to see what we’re publishing confirms that we must be saying something that rattles someone’s cage.

WE like that.

Ironically (or NOT) we’re seeing more commentary from readers on various subjects that get some or no coverage from the Presstitutes.

Although we’re not sure if the comments are related but we like them as well.

And quite frankly, most of the comments are quite astute, insightful, funny, sarcastic, often rowdy and spot on.

As a result, we decided to share some of these weekly comments for your reading pleasure.

And we’re calling it…

Comments From the Peanut Gallery

For some reason, news on the Nashville shooting has “quietly disappeared.”

RE:  Nashville shooting

  1. BREAKING NEWS: Brandon to hold a news conference regarding the shooting where he will immediately advocate banning handguns and $3 Million dollars in reparations for trannies.
  2. Most mass shooters have the following in common:  a) Mentally ill, b) on the FBI watch list, c) gained access to an AR-15, d) go for soft targets, e) are registered Democrats and f) NONE are NRA members.
  3. “Let me get this straight. Liberals keep killing people and want to take weapons away from conservatives?”
  4. These are the same people who push for mental health background checks on gun owners, but don’t see any mental health issues when a man believes he’s woman.
  5. We all know exactly why they don’t want to release the manifesto on the shooter…If it was a Trump supporter it would be plastered on every leftwing news publication in the world.

Regarding:  the under reported barge crashing on the Ohio river spilling over 1,400 metric tons of toxic methanol before sinking…

  1. Clearly the barge crew was not diverse enough to avoid the bridge.
  2. It must have taken them by surprise due to the racists bridge placement.

Unfortunately, it’s becoming quite obvious that the Presstitutes don’t want you to know about certain events happening…like the fact we have troops on the ground in UKRAINE.

READ:Why Are US Troops in Ukraine? April 20, 2023

But that’s why we post emails like this one.



Corruption and the Peanut Gallery

And for more in-depth coverage on how corruption in the financial world facilitates most of the madness we’re seeing in the Political Chaos of 2023, be sure to read our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).

And if you’re not already a member, be on the lookout for your opportunity to get a FREE copy of “…In Plain English.”

Share this with a friend…especially if they know about the “peanut gallery.”

They’ll thank YOU later.

Remember:  We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.


Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
Copyright © 2023 It’s Not Just About Finance, LLC, All rights reserved.
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