How many times have you read or heard a financial term and thought, “What the…?” You know, something like “QE”...
Question: Why did it take 18 years for someone to conclude that the World Trade Center building 7 didn’t collapse...
Those who pay attention to Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for media presstitutes are under the misguided belief that Socialism is gaining traction...
Last week Standard & Poor’s declared “Selective default” on $101 Billion of Argentina’s government bonds. Before we get into any...
Welcome once again to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies… You’d be surprised at how many funnies we go...
Time to put on your tin-foil hats...again. The photos of Hurricane Dorian’s Destruction of the Bahamas don’t begin to tell...
The growing list of Hollyweirdos associated with Jeffery Epstein’s “Lolita Express” has taken a back seat to Chicken Sandwiches. You...
Every year around this time the bought-and-paid-for media goes out of its way to strike fear in the hearts of...
If you’ve been reading our emails for a while you know we’re not big fans of ETF’s. In fact, we’ve...
If you’ve been paying attention to the wild swings in the market lately, you’ll notice several consistencies: Volatility is...