May 2024
May 4, 2024

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

American Labor and Abraham Lincoln

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Good ole Abe hit the nail on the head with his comments on Labor.

He was reflecting on what history has ALWAYS proven.

A nations strength is not about its money, geography, resources, and certainly not it’s politicians.

A nations strength lies within its people and their ability to produce.

It’s what made America Great in the first place.

(Read Lincoln’s quote again).

Proof of this is simple.

Just look at how we’ve been off-loading our labor (mostly to Asia) for the last 40-50 years.

An even better example is Japan.

They have no natural resources, they’re an isolated island, and yet (despite their economic problems) they continue to lead the world in productivity.

Their secret?

They still understand the importance of Labor.

By now you should realize that China will dominate the world’s trade in the 21st century (We wrote about it in June 2018 in an article “How the Empire Strikes Back” HERE).

The Chinese labor force dwarfs the rest of the world and they continue to expand it with their multi-trillion-dollar Belt Road Initiative (BRI).

Sadly, we aren’t participating in this expansion because the Chinese have purposely squeezed out most American companies’ bids.

Here’s a stupid question:  “Why haven’t you heard about this in the US main-stream media?”

The answer is simple.

The Whores-of-Babylon Media don’t want you to know this which is why they constantly stir up strife in America.

They also don’t want you to see how Labor in America is making a come-back.

Therein lies a multitude of opportunities.

This, of course, leads us to another shameless pitch for our “…In Plain English” monthly newsletter.

We give you insight into opportunities unlike the media presstitutes.


We have over 108 combined years of experience on Wall Street…And we use our experience to show you trends ahead of the crowds.

Find out more (HERE).[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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