February 14, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Why Everything Seems Gay

It’s not just Target or Bud Light’s recent marketing disasters but it is companies trying to improve their Corporate Equality Index (CEI) score is why everything seems gay.

And it’s dictated by Wokeness.

The CEI— Corporate Equality Index— is a woke credit score, that judges’ companies based on how many woke issues they are pushing.

This raises several questions:


  1. What is “woke”? (A word co-opted from the black community by gender activists that was infected with Neo Marxism)
  2. Who made up AND gives the score? From our understanding, The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), sends lobbyists to companies and gives them a list of demands.  And if they don’t comply with these demands, the woke investors put pressure on the boards, activists are mobilized, advertising campaigns are shut down, and anyone who continues to do business with the poorly scored company, will also be penalized.
  3. And who is funding the HRC? (The Open Society Foundation)
  4. Who runs Open Society Foundation? Uh oh. Don’t google that [Cough! George Soros, Cough! Cough!].



Bottom line???

If you don’t get a good score the Lizard God-King/Soros of the world doesn’t let your business exist.

Unfortunately, this fake score is everywhere.

And it is controlling everyone and everything with threats and coercion.


Everything Seems Gay


A question we’re hearing a lot is: “How has this become such a major issue?” 


Fact check this…

The total number of people who identify as Transgender is 1.6 million out of a population of 331.9 million (2021).


That is approximately 0.0048%


So, there is absolutely NO WAY this Transgender group has the money or the clout to turn this into such a huge issue.

And just like abortion, it is being funded for the purpose of reducing the population.



This has NOTHING to do with Pride or gay rights.

They are being exploited just as women were told it was their right to have an abortion.


Ironically (or NOT) this Transgender nonsense is destroying the rights of the Gay Community.


Because they are being thrown in with this sickening nonsense advocating changing children’s sex without parental knowledge…all before puberty.

In the meantime, corporations suffering from Wokeness, are desperately trying to recapture their base.





But regardless of the smoke screens from Budweiser or Target, it’s not going to matter.

As evidenced by the recent backlash against Target, Bud Light, North Face, etc., the people are sick of the woke crap.

And even sicker of the big corporations caving in to the nonsense.



Keep up the boycotts…They are working.

The madness ends when we say NO!


P.S.  Get Ready…Pride Month Starts Tomorrow

Learn how to avoid the manipulation from these Boyz in the “Club” every month “…In Plain English” (HERE).

And share this with a friend…especially if they’re sick and tired of the Wokerati.

They’ll thank YOU later.

We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.

Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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