Contrary to what the WOKE crowd wants you to believe, those still taking the clot shot are not saving the world.
And this is the same crowd wants to also believe that over 71% of Americans are vaaxxed.
To that we’ll simply say Bull***t.
Ironically (or NOT) these same fools – who believe they’re saving the world – now want to ban healthcare for the unvaxxed.
Cue up: New York State Assembly member, Pat Burke, who said that unvaccinated Americans refusing the experimental COVID-19 vaccine should be denied healthcare.
Wait! What?
This is the same fool who declared that “Healthcare is a human right.”
And now he wants to take that right away from the “unvaxxed.”
Maybe idiots like Burke forgot that The Constitution was formed on the grounds that America would be the land of the free.
Or Maybe these pompous lawmakers now want to remove all of our freedoms and are no longer sugar-coating their agenda.
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE they’ve simply sold out to the highest bidder (Cough! Big Pharma, Hairball Cough!) and purposely ignore that:
- Vaccinated individuals can still pass along the virus
- The vaccine has proven adverse side effects
- And the long-term consequences are unknown
Unfortunately, hypocrisy – with people like this – knows no boundaries.
(Read: There Was/Is No Pandemic HERE)
Not Saving the World
People like this – who’re somehow convinced they’re saving the world – are very dangerous.
And we need to push back against them.
Because as they see more skeptical/normal citizens stand up to them they’ll attempt to make the penalties for non-compliance much harsher.
If you need proof, take a quick look around the world and see how oppressive nations are becoming with lockdowns/penalties/fines/imprisonment for the non-vaxxed.
And all of this oppression is leading up to what we believe will be a Man-Made Depression in 2022.
As a result, you can expect more chaos in the markets, more inflation, and higher food prices…and then some.
But…and this is a VERY BIG BUTT…
Chaos, especially when it’s Man-Made, also presents opportunities of a lifetime…especially for those with ears to hear.
Tune up your hearing and learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times by going (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re not vaxxed.
They’ll thank YOU later.
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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